Get Involved

Charter schools do not receive funds equivalent to that of school districts or private schools. This creates a great need to do fundraising on both a school and community level. The Community Foundation for Eagle Peak was formed to help the school raise additional funding for the programs we offer as well as to help the school cover shortages in difficult budget times.
CFEP is a California non-profit public benefit corporation exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code. CFEP operates under an MOU (memorandum of understanding) with the Eagle Peak Board of Directors. All fundraising efforts are conducted under the terms of this agreement. Any contributions to CFEP are tax deductible as a charitable donation. Some of the programs that CFEP has helped to fund would include Art, Music, PE, and Environmental Education.

The CCC was created in the Fall of 2016 to support Eagle Peak in addressing the recent increase in acts of intolerance and discrimination in the US. Eagle Peak Montessori’s vision states clearly that our students will become “socially aware, responsible people, who live in harmony,” and as a school with such a mission, the school administration decided to create a Cultural Awareness Committee. Several members of the school parent body were sought out to lead this group. The initial leadership changed the name to the Community Connection Committee in order to better communicate the purpose of the group: creating a more connected and inclusive EPMS community.
The CCC provides EPMS teachers, staff, and families access to anti bias/anti racism and inclusiveness training, discussions, and activities. The CCC, in conjunction with EPMS administration, will continue to provide our school community with opportunities to discuss how our school can become more inclusive in its practices. This includes all of the EPMS groups and boards, as well as school events and functions. The CCC disseminates information (in conjunction with school administration) through the Friday Folder on local events that promote inclusion and awareness (such as festivals, meetings, etc.), hosts a weekly multicultural music party after school, and is developing a resource library for parents to check-out books and videos on relevant CCC topics such as cross-culturalism, racism, tips on raising culturally-aware children, and more. Meetings are held every other month and are open to all EPMS parents/caregivers.

The Parent Teacher Leadership Group was created in 2004 by the school administration as a vehicle for organization of volunteers, scheduling parent education, and monthly meeting opportunities for communication between the school and the parent community.
The PTLG’s primary objective is to maintain the appropriate number of volunteers for each event and organizational need the school demonstrates. In addition to its primary objective, PTLG provides a venue for parents to communicate questions and concerns with administration at the monthly meetings.
Through our Community Parent Group (PTLG) you can lend a hand as a volunteer and participate in one or more of our events throughout the year. PTLG meetings are held once a month to give parents the opportunity to ask teacher, administration and board members any questions they have about happenings at the school as well as for parents to simply gain insight into the various activities available for them on campus. PTLG meets on the first Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm. Babysitting is often available and attendance at meetings counts towards your volunteer hours.