Programs at Eagle Peak Montessori
AdmissionsIf education is always to be conceived along the same antiquated lines of a mere transmission of knowledge, there is little to be hoped from it in the bettering of man’s future. For what is the use of transmitting knowledge if the individual’s total development lags behind? – Dr. Maria Montessori

Dr. Maria Montessori said that children are both the hope and promise for society. Choosing Eagle Peak means you become part of an educational process and philosophy that provides something different, something more hopeful for your child. To attend Eagle Peak there is both a process and a choice made to become part of this special community. After all, isn’t “hope” for the future why we all make the choice to teach or have children? We look forward to your family becoming part of our unique learning community.
- Emphasis on: cognitive and social development
- Teacher has unobtrusive role in classroom
- Environment and method encourage self-discipline
- Mainly individual/small group instruction
- Mixed age grouping
- Grouping encourages children to teach and help each other
- Child chooses work
- Child discovers own concepts from self-teaching tasks
- Child sets own learning pace
- Child spots own errors through feedback from material
- Child reinforces own learning by repetition of work and internal feelings of success
- Multi-sensory materials for physical exploration
- Children can work where they chose, move around and talk at will (yet not disturb work of others); group work is voluntary and negotiable
- Organized programs for parents to understand the Montessori philosophy and participate in the learning process
- Emphasis on: cognitive development
- Teacher is center of classroom
- Teacher acts as primary enforcer of discipline
- Mainly large group instruction
- Same age grouping
- Most teaching done by teacher
- Curriculum structured for child
- Child guided to concepts by teacher
- Instruction pace usually set by group norm
- If work is corrected, errors usually pointed out by teacher
- Learning is reinforced externally by rewards and discouragement
- Few materials for sensory development
- Less emphasis on self-care instruction
- Child assigned own seat; encouraged to participate, sit still and listen during group sessions
- Voluntary parent involvement, often only as fundraisers, not participants in understanding/participating in the learning process
Our Programs
Education is about growth and development, not simply restating facts. Our goal is to give your children many opportunities to try and try again, to always try to do better so that NOTHING holds them back in life. Montessori education is not centered on the end product, but the process that it took to get there. What did you learn in the process? How did it make you grow?

Elementary Program