Welcome to Eagle Peak Montessori School
Peace, Passion, Purpose.Serving children through Montessori Education since 2001
Our Mission
The Mission of Eagle Peak Montessori School is to provide students with the opportunity to acquire an education founded on the educational philosophy of Dr. Maria Montessori. We promote an educational atmosphere that encourages socioeconomic and cultural diversity by providing all students with the opportunity to obtain a quality public education. Our aim is to equip each of our students with the skills, knowledge, and values to participate meaningfully in the pluralistic world of the 21st century.
Our Vision
It is our belief that by learning without artificial boundaries and discovering their capacity to live in peace, children will become life-long learners and responsible citizens whose actions reflect sound character, ethical behavior, and a clear understanding of their own and others’ self worth and dignity. Our students will become socially aware, responsible people who live in harmony with nature as stewards of the earth.
Vision Statement for Eagle Peak Montessori School
This is a magical place in many ways. We have worked together to create a unique environment that celebrates and advances the autonomy and responsibility that being a Montessori Charter School offers us. Not unlike the “freedom within limits” that we provide our students in the classroom, the charter system allows us to provide a FREE Montessori education that holds true to the Montessori training and beliefs within the expectations of the educational standards and accountability of the public school system. We hope the information on our site helps you to envision your family as a part of the Eagle Peak Montessori Community.
Michelle Hammons, Principal
Eagle Peak Montessori School

Good Info

Our educational and philosophical perspective profoundly respects and supports each individual’s unique development and acquisition of knowledge. Our task is to provide an atmosphere of acceptance, respect, and trust so that creativity, learning, and a sense of community flourish. We are a learning community that recognizes parents, students, teachers, and administrators as integral parts of the school and we support one another in our lifelong process of learning and personal growth.
Equity and Social Justice
Peace education is an integral part of the Montessori philosophy. Through increased and ever-improving community-wide cultural competency, Eagle Peak will be able to act in the pursuit of dignity, equity, and acceptance of all community members.
Please click the buttons below to read our full Equity Statement, 2020 Social Justice statement, and access useful family and community resources.
What Our Alumni Are Saying
I can write a whole list of reasons why I love Eagle Peak, but I’ll just tell you the most important reasons why I love Eagle Peak. I also had the best moments of my life in Eagle Peak. I gained confidence there and became independent. I didn’t only love Eagle Peak because they helped me and other children become independent and allowed us to learn at our own pace. There was a lot of respect from teachers and children. Teachers had a lot of trust in the students. The teachers were like my second parents. They saw me grow up, I could tell them anything and I was close to them. Therefore most of my life those exact same teachers are the ones who helped me become the person that I am today. I would be lying to you if I told you I didn’t believe that Montessori is the best method for helping children be self-motivated and to discover the beauties of the world and to awaken their curiosity. One of my favorite moments at Eagle Peak was getting up on a Podium at the Model Un because as I’m giving my speech one of my teachers Mrs. Denise, who was my teacher for five years, was standing at the door listening to me give my speech. I saw that I put a smile on her face and I will never forget that moment because I remember being shy when I first met her and when I graduated I was a confident independent student. The teachers that I had in Eagle Peak were a big part of my life and in my heart, I will always remember them and thank them for all that they have done for me.
My name is Alexis Vlavianos, I am a freshman at UC Davis and will be majoring in microbiology. To this day I hold my time at eagle peak with so much value, I learned not only how to be a good student but also how to be a good person. I made lasting connections with my peers and discovered how to live my life to my fullest potential. The mentors I had throughout my time there taught me the importance of creativity, curiosity, and positivity. I walk away from eagle peak with only good memories and a better understanding of who I am and the potential I have. Eagle Peak will remain an important milestone in my journey of self-discovery.
An educational experience uniquely Montessori, Eagle Peak’s top notch faculty individually prepares their students for each and every child’s academic future with unparalleled attention to detail. In personal experience, a fifth grade Model UN program with my Eagle Peak classmates has been singularly the most valuable field trip of my academic career. Speaking at the New York City chambers of the United Nations sparked a personal passion for politics and legislative change which I now pursue in Nevada. Simply put, Eagle Peak taught me that so long as you are willing to apply yourself with an open mind, the world is ripe with happiness and success for those with the determination to pluck it for themselves. For this, and innumerable other lessons, I will be forever grateful for my Eagle Peak Montessori education.”
Governance and Fiscal Information
EPMS is governed by a School Board of Directors responsible for ensuring that the school is run in compliance with its Charter, all applicable state and federal laws, and that the school remains financially viable.
The Eagle Peak Montessori Board of Directors meets every third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted on the agenda. The agendas for all meetings are posted the Friday prior to the meeting. Meetings are conducted according to the Brown Act provisions and requirements.
Meeting agenda and minutes click here
For additional information including Annual Reports and Board Member Application, click here.